Thursday, June 21, 2012

Loki needs a home...

My husband and I have 3 cats and an iguana. We like to travel and our families live out of state. When planning a vacation or overnight trip, we must consider our pets.

So last month, when searching for a pet sitter in order to take a trip to Pennsylvania to visit my Mom, we were lucky enough to find KC. She is an absolute gem! She came to visit our cats twice every day, fed the iguana and misted him; she even watered the plants. She sent
pictures of our critters EVERYDAY !! I trusted her with my four-legged family. Hell! I would trust her with my life.
Now she needs some help. A few months ago, she found a miniature pincher puppy in the park near her apt. She took the cutie pie in and has been loving and caring for her ever since. The pup gets along with other dogs, with children and with her cat Stitch. She just found out that although she can have a cat in the apartment, dogs are forbidden. This puts KC in the horrible position of having to find a loving home for her pup.ASAP! Can you help? They are in Long Beach, Ca. I have more info if you are interested. Just leave a comment here with an email address and I will contact you. Please help if you can.
And *hugs*

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